LIFEM | 13-16 November 2024 — Subscribe for more news

Belén Nieto Galán

Born in Madrid, Belén Nieto studied recorder with Fernando Paz, flute with M.Ángeles Grau and chamber music with Jesús Sánchez and Leonardo Luckert at the professional conservatory of music P.A.Soler in San Lorenzo de El Escorial. 

She already performed public concerts at the age of thirteen, and she followed many courses about both performing and building instruments with international teachers such as Aurele Nicolet, Felix Renggli, Paul Leenhouts, José Manuel Navarro, Sara Parés, Kees Boeke, Pierre Hamon, Kate Clark, Wilbert Hazelzet, Josep Borrás, Jacqueline Sorel and Monika Musch. 

In 2004 Belén moved to Amsterdam, where she completed her Bachelor degree on recorder with Paul Leenhouts, and on traverso with Jed Wentz. 

In the last years at the Conservatory of Amsterdam, she also studied baroque bassoon and dulcians with Benny Aghassi. 

She completed her Master of Music on traverso (baroque and classical flutes) with Wilbert Hazelzet at the conservatory of Utrecht (2011-2013) 

Belén worked with the foundation Memorabele Momenten, performing for children from 0 to 6 years old, at nurseries and community centers in Amsterdam during two years, and she has been a member of the unique group of renaissance recorders The Royal Wind Music for six years. 

She has performed with conductors such as Gary Cooper, Masaaki Suzuki and Jordi Savall, and recorded for Dutch, American and Spanish radios, as well as for the CD labels Lindoro, Music Concept, Linn Records and Alpha Classics, with The Royal Wind Music, The Rare Fruits Council (Manfred Kraemer), Thalia Ensemble and Taracea. 

Belén is main flutist of Thalia Ensemble, winner of the 2013 York Early Music International Young Artists Competition in its formation as historical wind quintet. Resulting from this award, Thalia Ensemble performed at the York Early Music Festival 2014, and recorded a CD with the label Linn Records. 

As a freelance she performs with international chamber music groups and orchestras such as Holland Baroque (Reinbert de Leeuw) Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (Ton Koopman), La Capilla Real de Madrid (Óscar Gershensohn), Nao d'amores (Ana Zamora & Alicia Lázaro) and Le Concert des Nations & Hespèrion XXI (Jordi Savall). 

Both as recorder and traverso player, Belén has performed so far in The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, United States, Portugal, United Kingdom, Poland and Italy, taking part in important events such as the Boston Early Music Festival, Festival de Música Antigua de Sevilla, Festival de Música Antigua de Barcelona, Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht, Aldeburgh Festival, Greenwich International Early Music Festival and Exhibition, York Early Music Festival, Festival de Teatro Clásico de Alcántara... 

Her broad experience on performing, and her passion about physical expression and learning, lead her to become an active assistant of Physical training on stage classes by actor Wilfred Van de Peppel at the Utrechts Conservatorium. 

In her last years in Utrecht she was part of IMPROBABLE, international improvisation theatre group. 

Back in Spain since 2016 and besides performing and recording with VN, Collegium Musicum Madrid, Nao d'amores, etc, she taught at music schools and conservatories such as La Escuela de Canal in Madrid, and later at COSCYL in Salamanca. 

Founding member of Taracea since 2018, exploring and combining both traditional and modern techniques and improvisation. 

The Judges