La Vaghezza


Friday 15th November, 7.30pm

St Michael & All Angels Church, Blackheath

La Vaghezza


Mayah Kadish, Ignacio Ramal violins

Anastasia Baraviera cello

Gianluca Geremia theorbo

Marco Crosetto harpsichord and organ



The 17th century in Italy was a period of explosive change in the field of music. This shift is evident in the treatises and correspondence from that time, showcasing the enthusiasm with which new ideas were shared. These ideas, emerging from small groups of what we would now call experimental composers, broke down previously rigid boundaries and quickly established new foundations for musical expression.
Behind these emerging compositional styles lay the desire for emotions to be more vividly and understandably communicated in music, and this programme mixes pieces that take different approaches to this. Some works draw inspiration from vocal music influenced by meditation, employing slow sounds and developing interesting harmonies. Others embrace the rhythmic and improvisational qualities of dance, clearly inspired by folk music. Additionally, a third approach is explored that arose in the mid-1600s, which was the composition of musical “oddities” – this style, known as ‘stylus phantasticus,’ was an attempt to write music that was almost formless, and kept an improvisational feel.



Ballo detto Eccardo Tarquinio Merula (15951665)

Vere languores nostros, mottetto diminuito alla maniera italiana Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548–1611)

Ballo detto Gennaro Tarquinio Merula (15951665)


La Foscarina. Sonata a 3 con il Tremolo, Affetti Musicali, op. 1 Biagio Marini (1594–1663)

Gagliarda detta la Norsina Salomone Rossi (1570–1630)

Sonata à 2 no. 33, Rost Codex Giovanni Valentini (1582–1649)


Sonatina a due soprani Gianluca Geremia

Alemana detta la Ciriculia/Bayle de los dichos diabolos, Il primo libro di canzoni, sinfonie, fantasie Andrea Falconieri (1585–1656)

Ballo detto Scutule Marco Crosetto




La Pusterla, Canzoni da suonare, op. 17 Tarquinio Merula (1595–1665)

Cor mio non mori? E mori C. Monteverdi (1567–1643)

Gagliarda detta la Zambalina Salomone Rossi (1570–1630)


Improvvisazione sopra ‘La Catena d’amore’

Sonata 38, Ludwig Partiturbuch  Antonio Bertali (1605–1669)


Giovane donna sott’un verde lauro A. Gabrielli (1532/33–1585)

Sinfonia 9, Primo libro Salomone Rossi (1570–1630)

Folia Andrea Falconieri (15851656)